Our men's shed is rocking

Bill demonstrates that cleanliness is next to godliness

Tony glues the sides on the bridge score card containers

Chang is assembling his mah-jong box

John's completing the shed's new trestle table
Rotarian Phillip Wade conducting a seminar on how to use a defibrillator for 24 members

Local ward councillor Felicity Sinfield and shed supervisor Bernie Smith discussing proposed facility modifications

Men's shedders are enjoying a demonstration given by Peter Elliott on how to use a “thicknesser”, a handy machine used to plane a piece of wood to a desired thickness. A thicknesser can transform a dirty old piece of wood into a beautiful piece of timber. Similar machinery demonstrations are scheduled for the coming weeks.
Being productive in our shed
Trains and pencil boxes assembled and painted by men’s shedders to sell at the North Balwyn Rotary Ladies Christmas Fair stall in North Balwyn Village. Most of the proceeds will go to the Ashburton Asylum Seekers Support Group.

Bee Hotel boxes made for Boroondara Council for their parks and gardens
Dolls houses made at the shed for sale
Bird Breeding boxes to be sold later in the year
David Hattam's shoe storage unit awaiting painting

Everyone is having such a rich time in the shed.

Bernie Smith, Peter Finton and Tony Woodhouse

More than 30 members attended a jolly morning tea preceding our Christmas BBQ lunch.

Peter Elliott, Bernie Smith and Tony Hart figuring out how to restore an antique dolls pram

Shed members are enjoying a rich experience. Jim Verginis finishes off his new bread cutting board and scores a few brownie points at home. Geoff Griffiths uses the bench saw to prepare the wood to make a materials trolley for use in the shed. Peter Fitton and Awtar Dhillon are making a prototype workshop stool. Several of the members enjoy coffee and biscuits and a good chat at morning tea time. The menu varies and includes raisin toast, cinnamon buns, cream sponge and various mixed biscuits.

Members Peter Fitton (left) &
Noel Browne (right) working on their creations.

Ron Lear mans the drop saw watched by Awtar Dhillon. (Left)
Bernie Smith and Peter Elliott discuss plans for creating stools. (Right)
The shed is ready for action

Federal Member for Kooyong, Josh Frydenberg, presents a $20,000 grant to assist in the fitout of the shed. The money was donated from the Federal Government Infrastructure Fund.
L-R: Rotarian, David Cheney, Secretary, NBCMS; Ms Betty Collins OAM, President, North Balwyn Bowling Club; Rotarian Tony Hart, Chairman, NBCMS; The Hon Josh Frydenberg, Rotarian, Bernie Smith, Project Manager, NBCMS